The company, with more than 15 years of presence in the big apple market, provides different types of health support for homes that need it, Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Staten Island and Long Island already have their services.

Next October, Home Medical Care will carry out the inauguration of its sixth headquarters in New York City, the first in the district of Queens, Luis González, official spokesman for the company, told us that the main mission It is to continue consolidating itself as a leading company in the market and continue to be characterized by the quality of the service offered in home care.

It is no secret that the massive shortage of nurses here in the US, different types of incentives from five-figure premiums, free housing and scholarships for them and their families is what hospitals and other medical institutions are offering and it is something that at the moment it has not impacted Home Medical Care, why? Because here we are like a big family, not only in the workplace but with our clients, it is something that has characterized us and will continue to characterize us over the years, it is our DNA and we cannot get rid of it.

But although they have not been affected, they know the importance of working hand in hand with the families of their clients and the State, the latter launched a few years ago The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP), by its acronym in English, and allows you to hire a friend or family member as a personal care assistant, logically for basic tasks, all under the supervision of entities such as Home Medical Care, and the latter are already in charge of qualified or semi-qualified services in health care.

Another of the fundamental aspects and in which it has made a difference with other companies in the sector is in the care provided, we know that this city is one of the most diverse in the world and we adapt to it, for many it is a great challenge but for We are pleased to serve you, we embrace an open environment that accepts all people, regardless of their religion, race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability, we have staff from different countries, who speak 24 languages.

The rest, we leave it as a surprise to share with you at the inauguration ceremony, different civil authorities, doctors, insurance agencies and the media that are characterized by spreading the different activities that help Latinos residing in the city of NY. This sensitization and socialization process with the different authorities allows, as Mr. González said “that there is an articulation with the communities to continue offering a good service and this is not achieved from an office”.


  • The population of New Yorkers over 65 years of age tripled between 2005 and 2015, exceeding one million citizens, of these, more than half are Latino.
  • By 2020, immigrants will be the majority of the old population of this city. Dominicans, Mexicans and Chinese make up the fastest growing groups according to the study by the Center for and Urban Future headed by Christian Gonzalez Rivera.
  • An active force of 1.13 million nurses is needed by 2022 according to the American Nurses Association.
  • The minimum salary for a nurse in New York City is $ 15.00 and for Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties it is $ 12.00.
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